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$19.80 /lb

  • Easy to use
  • Simple water volume control
  • Keeps the job cleaner
  • Makes it a one-man job
  • Accurate jointing
  • Eases the task of filling tighter joints
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  • Water is piped down the handle and dispersed through the head
  • A valve on the handle makes water volume control simple
  • The water flowing through the broom head helps keep it cleaner
  • Takes a two-man job down to one man
  • Makes a better joint because your water is right where you need it
  • Eases the task of filling tighter joints
  • Lessens the water splashing around the work area
  • Best Recommend For Xtreme Easy

Can also be used in conjunction with many other one-part wet resin sands.

(SRW) WetLok, (Alliance) Gator Nitro Joint Sand and Nitro x, (Techniseal) Storm, (Aspect) Easy Joint, and (Romex) EcoFine.

Please Note
SEK’s one-part wet resin sand is too fine to be used in conjunction with the Hydro Broom

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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